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Jessie Cunnett appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Point of Care Foundation

12 September 2023

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jessie Cunnett as our new Chief Executive Officer.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jessie Cunnett as our new Chief Executive Officer.

Jessie will join in December for a transitional period working with outgoing Chief Executive Bev Fitzsimons, before taking over full-time in January 2024.

Jessie has over 25 years’ experience as a senior leader working with health and care systems and infrastructures, specialising in patient, public, staff and stakeholder involvement in health and social care.

Jessie Cunnett, appointed CEO of Point of Care FoundationShe says: “I am absolutely delighted to be taking on the role of CEO at the Point of Care Foundation. Shifting power to the frontline so that care is delivered in a true and successful partnership is hard, and requires drawing from the commitment, skills and knowledge of staff and the lived experiences and expertise of patients in equal measure. I believe, with empowered staff who feel confident to deliver human-centred care and patients who feel heard and understood, real collaborative and integrated care is possible, leading to significantly better health and wellbeing outcomes for all. This feels particularly important at this most challenging time, and I feel privileged to lead the Point of Care Foundation as it continues its work to make this a reality.”

Jessie has previously worked in roles that have focused on how to promote understanding of the rich and complex relationship between people who use services, the wider public, those that work in health and care and the systems that deliver it. She has worked directly supporting people experiencing care, in service improvement and transformation, research, education and regulation.

Jessie explains: “The Point of Care Foundation’s mission to humanise care and to focus on the people at the heart of care is completely aligned to the choices I have made about the work I do. I am excited to help Point of Care move forward into the next phase of its journey, building on all that has come before. Now more than ever, there is so much to do. Through my work and personal experiences, I have seen up close the impact that disconnecting from the heart and humanity of health and care services can have. I know how transformational helping people to reconnect with the power, passion and purpose of good care can be. This power extends far beyond immediate health needs and connects with how people are able to thrive in the world around them.”

Bev says: “I couldn’t be more delighted that the Foundation is passing on to such capable hands as Jessie’s. I know she shares mine and the Point of Care Foundation’s values and aspirations for our work to humanise healthcare. I will be the loudest voice cheering from the side lines as I watch the Foundation go from strength to strength. God speed Jessie!”


Jessie’s profile