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Take part in national digital Schwartz Round

14 December 2016

We have collated a series of video clips with healthcare professionals for use in Schwartz Rounds when panellists are unavailable or drop out at the last minute.


shutterstock_189438116Feedback from the Schwartz community suggests that a key challenge to sustaining Schwartz Rounds is finding and preparing panellists each month. Rounds are sometimes cancelled if panellists cannot be identified or drop out at the last minute.

One way to avoid cancellations is to use pre-recorded videos of panellists to fuel the Schwartz Round discussion. Digital Rounds should only be used as a last resort and should not replace standard Rounds.

We don’t yet know whether the digital Rounds will work, so we are inviting all organisations that are running Schwartz Rounds to try a digital Round by end of July 2017.

Select 3-4 videos from this list of video clips to play at the Round.  The videos we have chosen replicate some common themes that emerge during Schwartz Rounds, such as feeling unheard; feeling out of your depth; the death of a patient; and the boundaries between personal and professional behaviour.

The Round follows the same format as a normal Round. At the start, the videos are played back to back, and then the discussion is opened out to participants. The facilitators will guide the discussion in the usual way – reflecting on the themes covered and how the stories resonated with the group.

If you are going to try a digital Round please provide some additional feedback using this form and return it by email to Joanna Goodrich.